Self Portrait Video

I chose to play Fortnite for my video because it represents me. I wanted to show other people that I had friends, since I played with Bartle2000. My work was inspired by Cole Bartley playing rocket league because I knew I could make a better video then him so I did. Cole's video didn't show the 

whole screen so I worked to make sure I got the best angle I could have gotten.
       Since we could only use our phones to record I had to clear room on my desk to make sure that I could fit my phone and the whole screen on my phone. Since I don't have workin speakers all you could hear was my keyboard so that is something I would improve if I redid my video. I wanted to show my talents of being able to get a good angle and making the shot look good no matter what I'm filming. I made sure it wasn't that bright in my room so that the video would be focused on the screen and not other things in the room.

      At first I wasn't planning the to spent more then 10 minute on my video but all the previous takes it didn't meet my standards so I would fix what ever was wrong, whether it be the lighting, sound, or angle, and make sure it was the highest quality recording a computer screen with a phone could be.
  I feel like I was successful with my video because I was satisfied with the finished product. A huge challenge I faced was when I tried to find the best angle. I had to rearrange my desk and find the best thing to prop my phone against and I had to play while also making sure I didn't bump over my phone. I learned a lot from this project. I learned how important lighting and camera angle can be. I also learned how creative you can be with this project based on what other people created.


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