E-Comm Final

 E-Communication has been a fun 4 years, and it is sad to see it end.

Takeaways from E-Comm Senior Year

Technical Skills - One of the biggest areas of improvements I have had throughout this year of E-Comm is with my editing skills. I've taken on the duties of Editor for many of my projects this year, and I was able to hone my skills and get to a place where I am proud to show off my editing.

Communication - Communication was a struggle amongst all students this year with how often we had to switch the schooling style, from all online, to hybrid, to all in person. This made it difficult for us and lead to us having to communicate in different ways, whether it be through E-Mail, text, etc; However I feel like this struggle greatly improved my ability to communicate with other people.

Collaboration - Collaboration is another part of E-Comm that was made hard this year due to the pandemic. However me and my groups were able to work together through different ways and work together on our projects that we needed to complete.

Leadership - Leadership was also hard due to the natures of the world around us. One good example of when I took leadership was when we were in online school, and as director of a commercial I had to get the gears moving on our project because many people didn't enjoy having their cameras on.

Project Management - Similar to the situation mentioned in the "Leadership" section, when I was the director of a commercial, I had to work with a group was the manager of the group in order to make sure we got all of our stuff done and the project turned in on time.

Strengths - One of my greatest strengths this year in E-Comm I feel like has been my editing. Due to me starting a full time job and having track/cross country after school, I have had 0 time to help my groups film after school. Instead of giving up, i decided to embrace the role of editor, so that I could still work with my teams and have a big part in the creation process.

Weakness - Even though I have been successful with being an editor on my full schedule, it has also been a weakness because I have been unable to pursuit other productions roles because of it.

Takeaways - There are many skills I learned in E-Comm that I will never forget, and I will use to help further myself in my future, no matter what field I choose to pursuit.

Overall throughout my 4 years of E-Comm, I have enjoyed it. Even though this year was not what I expected, E-Comm has opened many doors for me and connected me with many people I'll never forget.

Top 3 Projects

Covid-19 PSA - This project was done by me and my group for the PSA assignment. We used our time well for this project and were able to get it done. I showed an area of strength through my editing in this project. Again my schedule was an area that I would change if I was able to, so that I could've helped with filming.

Snickers Commercial - For the Snickers commercial, I was director and editor. This project became a challenge because after we did all of our filming, I went to edit and found out that we had no audio. This project was special to me because we showed what we could do as E-Comm students even when things don't go correctly.

Senior Film Reel - This feel reel was the one I was most proud of. I put all my best shots and my best works into the reel and I feel like it does a good job of representing me as an E-Comm student.

Summary - Even though this year has been bumpy, overall I'm happy with how E-Comm turned out. I was able to meet a lot of new people and work together with them throughout the years.


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